Companies in Rosebery, Australia

List of companies in Rosebery TAS: find addresses, phone numbers, email, social networks, photos, customer reviews and more.

New reviews

    Vlad AuTravel Added May 28, 2022
    Really basic motel. Good that you can access it anytime. No need reception. Key in locker. Motel need renovation
    Review of Mount Black Lodge
    David Williams Added May 19, 2022
    Best mine camp ever! Very cosy lounge. Great food!
    Review of Mount Black Lodge
    Amanda Tichelaar Added May 12, 2022
    We stayed for a weekend . It is in a lovely spot. The rooms were homely and very tastefully was also spotlessly clean. Can’t wait to co...
    Review of Mount Black Lodge
    Tony Guard Added May 10, 2022
    Good food and service. Friendly staff. Good view
    Review of Mount Black Lodge
    Wendy Colasante Added May 09, 2022
    Nice, clean and cosy accommodation! Great value for money. Deb, the manager, is lovely and so easy to deal with! Highly recommend and in a pretty p...
    Review of Mount Black Lodge
    Kamil Turecek Added April 06, 2018
    WiFi not working well, but te rest yes.
    Review of Rosebery Caravan Park

Weather in Rosebery TAS

July 03, 2024

July 03, 2024 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Temperature 9 9 4 0
Pressure hPa 1039 hPa 1039 hPa 1041 hPa 1043 hPa
Humidity % 64 % 71 % 86 % 97 %
Wind speed m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s

July 04, 2024

July 04, 2024 01:00 04:00 07:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Temperature 0 0 -1 5 9 7 1 0
Pressure hPa 1043 hPa 1043 hPa 1043 hPa 1043 hPa 1041 hPa 1040 hPa 1042 hPa 1042 hPa
Humidity % 97 % 97 % 97 % 79 % 63 % 82 % 97 % 98 %
Wind speed m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s

July 05, 2024

July 05, 2024 01:00 04:00 07:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Temperature -1 -1 -1 5 10 8 5 4
Pressure hPa 1042 hPa 1041 hPa 1043 hPa 1042 hPa 1040 hPa 1040 hPa 1041 hPa 1042 hPa
Humidity % 97 % 97 % 97 % 79 % 66 % 82 % 94 % 97 %
Wind speed m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 2 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s

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